Sunday, October 03, 2004

A Father's Presence

A year ago today, my father passed away. I remember when he was still alive there were days when I would think about him and then there were days when I wouldn't...sadly to say. However, since his death, there has not been a day he has not crossed my mind. Granted, during his life, he made some serious mistakes, but he was always my father. I guess the reason I think of him more often is that the opportunity is gone. Before, I could always call him "tomorrow." The difference is his presence is no longer here. Thankfully, we have a heavenly Father and a Savior who has left with us their Presence--The Holy Spirit. The opportunity to talk with Jesus is no longer an option for us on this earth. However, His Presence is there to be with us throughout all things.

"And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever." John 14:16