Friday, May 16, 2008

It's Official...

Well, it's official...I'm IN my 30's. No longer on the outskirts, but IN my 30's. Today I turned 31 and, well, I'm older. Danielle and I celebrated by going to the movies and then out to dinner with some friends. The evening culminated by me getting my tail kicked at the new Mario Cart on the Nintendo Wii....yeah, and I mean KICKED!!! But hey, it was just as fun as the original Nintendo64 (ahhh..... back when I was 26, when times were simpler).

Anyway, it was so much fun hanging out with our friends. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family. Speaking of wonderful's a preemptive "Happy Birthday" sung by my nephew Luke while Danielle and I were home for a baby shower last weekend. Pretty good, huh? If I can just get a guitar in front of him, we could hit the road. : )

Thanks everyone, especially my wonderful wife, for making this past year spectacular. On to my thirties.