Thursday, August 25, 2005

It's All About the Upgrade.

So lately I've been looking into upgrading my computer at home, and even considering purchasing a used laptop computer (just for mobility's sake). I'm sure everyone has thought at one point or another, it doesn't matter what you have, it's never enough. We live in a world of constant upgrades. Everywhere you look, there is someone there attempting to sell, promote, or endorse the latest upgrade. Even when you buy something new, there's someone waiting at the door to talk you into the next version. I thought to myself, it would be a lot cheaper if I just invented a magic "Upgrade" wand. Here are a few of the things I would upgrade in my life (in no particular order).

My Computer - Step 1.) Gripe. Obviously, it's doesn't have enough GB, RAM, or MHz. It's too loud, too big, too slow, and too cream. The monitor's not flat enough. Step 2.) Upgrade computer. 3.) Repeat Step 1. Then Step 2. Repeat.

My TV - Apparently the kind of TV that I have been perfectly happy with watching for 28 years, just won't cut it. What was I thinking? I can't believe this world fooled me into enjoying a picture that was slightly curved. Give me the flat screen!!! Give it to me now!!! And while you're at it, hang it on the wall, too!!!

My Work Cubicle - Two Words: Deluxe Model. No more teal or puce for me. I want black walls and a wooden desktop made of genuine cherry. My chair: a La-Z-Boy. But sitting at work in a La-Z-Boy can be hard on the back, so just to be on the ergonomic safe side, I'll need to add a large flat screen monitor and a cordless keyboard and mouse. My cubicle will have its own "ultra-quiet" sound system (so as not to disturb my neighbors) and its own thermostat. Maybe now I will be able to feel my fingers and my toes at work.

The Interstates - This one's my favorite. I would upgrade the interstate system to accommodate the new "Adam-Only Lane" Ahhhhh!!! Freedom!!!!

Now the next two are for my wife. You know I would have to upgrade some stuff for her if I had a magic "Upgrade" wand.

Buy A Cat - Now this, at first, may not seem like an upgrade. Well, it's not. The upgrade comes when I upgrade the cat to a Tiger. Then I would buy an ant farm and upgrade it to be the sanctuary and the staff to take care of the tiger. It's been a life long dream of my wife's to be able to pet a tiger. Now she can. YEAH!!!

The Litter Box - When we got our first cat, my wife made the commitment to clean the litter box. So for her, we would upgrade to the LitterBox DX 2006. All....ahem!!...."stuff" disappears without a trace. No odor. No cleaning. No refilling. It also bathes, dries, and grooms the cat automatically every other week. Your welcome, Danielle. : )

Well, I hope you've enjoyed getting inside the mind of Adam. I know, it's a little scary. I would love to hear what you would upgrade to, if you had a magic "Upgrade" wand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sniff Sniff. Can I whine somemore!?