Friday, December 10, 2004

Most Wonderful Time of the Year. Part 5

This week we have looked at four crucial moments in the life of Jesus: his birth, baptism, crucifixion, and his resurrection. Today, we will examine one more event; however, this one is slightly different than the previous four. At His birth, His baptism, His crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus was truly Immanuel, God With Us. He was physically on this earth as our High Priest (Hebrews 4:14-15). But today we will look at His glorious ascension into Heaven as He entrusts our lives to the work of the Holy Spirit.

Mark 16:14-20 Then after speaking to them, the Lord Jesus was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. Mark 16:19 HCSB
John 14:15-20 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor
to be with you forever. He is the Spirit of truth. The world is unable to receive Him because it doesn’t see Him or know Him. But you do know Him, because He remains with you and will be in you.
John 14:16-17 HCSB
Today’s devotion is going to be a little different. It’s not going to be a “feel good article.” It’s not going set you on a “spiritual high.” In fact, it may just stress you out a little bit. I know what you’re all thinking, “Great, that’s all I need this time of year—more stress.” Regardless, before this week is over, let me put forth to you just one question...


What does tomorrow bring? What do I do with this faith in my heart? Faith is ALWAYS expressed as an action. So what does that “action” mean to you? What will you do tomorrow as a result of your faith today?

As we learned yesterday, with each choice we make comes an opportunity for us to choose the extraordinary. With each decision of indifference, we elect to cast aside the exceptional. At Jesus’ ascension, He left His disciples (and us) a challenge...we like to call it the Great Commission...“go into the world”. During the previous three years, He taught them. He encouraged them. He allowed them to make mistakes. (I can identify with that one.) And as His earthly ministry came to a close, He left them with a choice...“go into the world.

Jesus had been among His disciples for three years. He knew these men better than they knew themselves. He knew they would be frightened, confused, and that they would make mistakes...again and again. But like I said, He knew these men better than they knew themselves. He knew their hearts. He didn’t want to abandon them to their own their own their own abilities. If He did, He knew they would fail. We all would. We all do. And so Jesus comforted them. He provided for them. He provides for us. He provides a Counselor. A Guide. Seek Him. He will direct you. He will pick you up when you fall. He will dust you off and prepare you to walk again.

Jesus has ascended. He no longer lives among us in the physical body. But He has not left us alone. His Spirit dwells within us (Vs. 17). Jesus didn’t say He would leave us a tyrant—someone to make the decision for us—but a Counselor. The disciples were instructed to listen to the Counselor; however, they were left with the choice. We have that same choice today and this holiday season.

This Christmas, ask yourself, “WHAT NOW?” What choice are you making? Are you choosing the extraordinary? Seek Him. He WILL guide you.

Father, God, this Christmas season, our gift to You, is our life...each moment...each choice. As we seek the Wonderful Counselor You have given us, guide us so we may glorify You in every choice we make. We praise You for the work You completed on the cross and thank You for continuing Your good work in us until it too is completed. In Your Son’s name we pray. Amen.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Most Wonderful Time of the Year. Part 4

Today we will continue our glimpse into the wonderful world of Christmas by looking at the most pivotal moment in history—the resurrection of Jesus Christ. There have been many people throughout the history books who have given their lives over to death for a worthy cause. BUT…today we will learn from the One who lived a sinless life and defeated death by raising Himself from the grave.

Matthew 28:1-10 “He is not here! For He has been resurrected, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay.” Matthew 28:6 HCSB
Chocolate is a great thing!! Wait…on behalf of my wife, let me rephrase that. Chocolate is the most extraordinary, tremendous, incredible, amazing thing ever. There…that’s more like it. Especially during the holiday season. You visit people’s homes and they’ve got it laid out everywhere. During a past holiday weekend, I was visiting my parents, and one evening was sitting around the den. As usual, chocolate was lying around everywhere. I, subconsciously, began stuffing my face with these tiny morsels of heaven. (I know none of you can relate.) Now, some of you may be thinking, “What’s wrong with that?” Well, I’ll tell you. Later on that evening, we all decided to go out for dinner to celebrate the holiday. When we got to the restaurant, I ordered a savory prime rib steak with a baked potato and soup. I awaited anxiously for my meal to arrive (ohh, it was going to be good) and when it did…...I ate four bites. I had filled my belly with so much good candy; I didn’t have enough room for my incredible meal. I sacrificed the best just to settle for something good!

Here’s the trouble most of us get into these days, especially around the holidays. We spend so much time on all the “good” things Christmas has to offer, and we never tap into the “best” thing. Christmas provides us a time to reflect upon the “greatest” gift of all time. Emmanuel, God With Us, immortal Deity, made human flesh, walking this earth. Born of a virgin. Son of a carpenter. Sacrificed with the tools of His trade. Sacrificed by the sins of His creation. And by that sacrifice, we are made alive…I repeat…WE ARE MADE ALIVE!!!! John 11:25-26 says, “I am the resurrection and the life...Everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die—ever.” John 4:14 proclaims, “Whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty again—ever!WHAT A PROMISE!!

When was the last time you reflected…CORRECTION…acted upon the meaning of Christmas? When was the last time you refused to accept something “good”, in order to obtain the “best?” Sacrificed decorating the tree until a time when the entire family could join in? Forfeited attending “another” Christmas dinner party to maybe serve those who have no dinner parties to go to? Or maybe just take the time to send a Christmas card to someone who’s NOT on your Christmas card list and ask them for forgiveness for something in your past. More importantly, have you sacrificed your time during this hectic season to rest at the feet of Jesus? (I believe the Bible refers to this as “abiding in His love.”) Have you abided lately?

This Christmas season, we all have more choices to make than we can count. And, not to put too much pressure on us, but with each choice comes an overall choice to be made. Do we settle for the ordinary, mundane, routine, habitual, everyday run around that comes with the season? Or do we choose the extravagant? The exceptional? The astonishing? The wonderful things Jesus has to offer us? This is truly a wonderful time of the year. But this world wants you to believe that it has the best there is. Little does it know that there is something better. There is a wonderful “steak dinner” that offers a wonderful life…TRUE LIFE. And it is only found in Him…with a capital “H.

Father, God, You make the ultimate choice in order to give us TRUE LIFE! You purposed that nothing would keep us from having the BEST. During this holiday season and this upcoming year, grant us discernment so we may seek the best You have to offer. Let us not get bogged down with what this world says is okay, but look to You with every choice we make. We praise You and thank You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Most Wonderful Time of the Year. Part 3

Throughout this week, we have been looking at what makes this time of year so “wonderful.” We’ve looked at the freedom that we have here in this wonderful country; and yesterday, we looked at the wonderful relationships we have with our family and friends. Today, we will touch on one aspect of Christmas that everyone is aware of...and more than likely…stressing out over. GIVING!!

And Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into Your hands I entrust My spirit.” Saying this, He breathed His last. Luke 23:46-47 HCSB
YOU’RE A TOOL!!! Now the real question is are you a useful tool or not. WAIT!!! I guess the better question is are you a usable tool or not? Or are you sitting there like a rusty pair of pliers trying to look like a hammer? WHAT IS THIS GUY TALKING ABOUT???? Well, let me try to explain myself. God has blessed everyone...I repeat...EVERYONE...with gifts, talents, traits, abilities that are to be used during our brief stay on this planet. A tool can only be a tool if it is used. If it’s not being used, it’s just a “thing.” The Christmas season provides many, many opportunities to take your “tools” and use them. It is a wonderful time of year to start using those abilities, or for some, continue using them. We just have to be willing to give.

Every moment of every day (especially during the holiday season), we have an opportunity to give. One of the wonderful things about this time of year is that giving is on the forefront of every mind. The sad part is that for most people, so is receiving. Before coming to LifeWay, I worked with a non-profit benevolence organization in Colorado (similar to the Salvation Army). One afternoon, I was speaking with a gentleman who had just recently made a very significant contribution. The tax write-off on the contribution alone would have been a great deal of money. However, when I asked him if he needed a receipt for tax purposes, he replied, “No thanks. If I got something in return, it would be trading. It wouldn’t be giving.” What a profound thought. In this day and age, so many of us (myself included) confuse giving and receiving with true giving. Giving is not giving unless there is less of you afterward, and in return, you will receive more than you can imagine.…..okay……let me say that one more time. Giving is not giving unless there is less of you afterward, and in return, you will receive more than you can imagine.

Some opportunities may take the shape of giving monetarily to a favorite organization, or giving a gift to that special someone, or most significantly offering your time. Money can be earned again later. Gifts can be exchanged. But your time is the one thing you can give that you will never get back. Jesus took it one step further. He gave us His LIFE!!! And in turn, gave time to us…eternal time. In Luke 23:46, Jesus paid off this gift of salvation with His life. And the odd part about it is that He asks nothing in return...well, almost nothing. He asks only to accept the gift He so freely offers.

Over the next few weeks, I urge you to take the advice of the One who offers such an extravagant gift. “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:39 When you love, you give. When you give, you receive spiritually. When you receive spiritually, you are blessed. And when you are blessed, love. So this holiday season...GIVE!!!

Father, God, may we never forget the wondrous act of love You showed by offering Your one and only Son to be the gift of salvation to humanity. During this season of giving gifts and holiday celebrations, may we remember Your Gift with every gift we give and celebrate that Gift with every moment. Give us the strength and compassion to love those around us. May we look to Your Son as THE example. Father, it is in His name we pray. Amen.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Most Wonderful Time of the Year. Part 2

As we continue our look at the “wonderful” things of the Christmas season, we take a glance at the importance of family and friends to Jesus’ ministry.

Matthew 3:13-17 Jesus answered him, “Allow it for now, because this is the way for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he allowed Him [to be baptized]. Matthew 3:15 HCSB

FAMILY & FRIENDS. I don’t know about the rest of you, but during this time of year, there is one thing I absolutely hate to do...TRAVEL. And yet, I travel...year after year after year. (I can see the odometer climbing as I type.) “Why?” you ask, “do I travel, if I hate it so much?” The same reason as you...FAMILY & FRIENDS. This year my wife and I will be driving to my father-in-law’s family gathering, then that night driving to my mother’s house for Christmas morning, then back to my mother-in-law’s for her family gathering then I am going to visit some college buddies...well, you get the picture. I do this...we all do this...because we love and are loved.

During this time of hectic schedules and empty gas tanks, we are rejuvenated by love. As we look to God’s holy scripture, we find that Jesus’ family and friends rejuvenated Him and played an irreplaceable part of His ministry. He surrounded Himself with twelve men that He poured his heart into for three years. He was moved to tears when He lost one of His closest friends. On the day of His death, He chose His most beloved disciple, to be the “son” for His mother. Time after time, we come across Jesus being encircled with loved ones. Yes, He did find time alone to spend with His Father, but during most of His life, He was busy with loving and being loved.

In Matthew, as we look at Jesus’ baptism, we notice that when He began His ministry, He did not go to one of the Jewish leaders of the day, or a church official, or any other religious head to be baptized; instead, He went to one of His friends since birth—John the Baptist. When He arrived, John declared, “I should be baptized by you!” But Jesus, persisted, not only in Him being baptized, but specifically, by John. Why do you think Jesus sought after John to perform the baptism? To shun the “political” world? Probably not. To make John feel like part of the “club” Nah, that either. It was because John was His friend. And during the most important times in His life, Jesus wanted those nearest and dearest to His heart with Him. His Father was even there for the post-baptismal toast (verse 17).

During the holiday season, one of the greatest opportunities we have is to spend the time with those we love...the parents, the kids, the husband or wife, dearest friends, and even pets (in my case, two furry little cats). Some of us even have memories of loved ones gone before us, and this time of year allows us moments to reminisce on what they mean to us, even now. We must be certain to take advantage of those times to appreciate special recollections and realize why they were so extraordinary...because of the people we shared them with. And now we must go from here; and as we remember Christmases past, we must make the most of “now”, and ensure those memories for years to come.

John Burroughs, an American essayist, once said, “I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see.” Let us make the most of each breath we are given. For we are just a vapor.

Father, God, we praise You for being our eternal loving Father. We praise You for Your Son, whom, by His death and resurrection, enabled You to adopt us into Your family. During this holiday season, may we always remember that You alone bless us with the people in our lives. We are grateful for what they mean to us. We pray You keep them safe during this upcoming year and allow us to share another year’s worth of memories with them. In Your blessed Son’s name, we pray. Amen.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Most Wonderful Time of the Year. Part 1

This week as we celebrate this time of the year, we will be focusing our hearts on just a few of the many things that make the holiday season “the most wonderful time of the year.” As we look at the different aspects of the season, we will be relating them to four key moments of Jesus’ life; His birth, baptism, crucifixion, and finally His “wonderful” resurrection. During these next few days, I encourage each of you to ponder in your hearts, what in your life makes this time of year “wonderful” for you.

Matthew 1:18-25 “She will give birth to a son, and you are to name Him Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21 HCSB

Luke 2:1-20 But the angel said to them, “Don’t be afraid, for look, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people: today a Savior, who is Messiah the Lord, was born for you in the city of David.” Luke 2:10 HCSB

FREEDOM. A concept most of us never think about until we are left without it. Today I woke up and got out of bed. I kissed my wife and started to get ready for work. While we got ready, I listened to the radio to the news of the day. Before I left, I settled in for a quiet moment with my Savior where I read His letter to me and prayed to our Father. As I thought about the freedom we have in Christ, I began to think about the freedom we have in the United States, not only during this time of year, but year-round.

When I woke up this morning, I was free from the fear that terrorists would break into my apartment and attack my family. As I listened to the news on the radio, I subconsciously rested in the freedom of the press provided by the First Amendment of our Constitution. Likewise, during my time alone reading scripture and praying, the freedom to exercise my religion assured me that I would not be stopped by anyone for expressing my faith.

We live in a country where the only qualification for attaining this freedom is existing. If you are breathing and have a pulse, you are blessed with freedoms unmatched in this world. During the Christmas holidays, we have the opportunity to gather together as co-workers to celebrate the birth of our Savior. We are free to shop at unlimited stores and purchase anything you can imagine...or at least anything you can afford. You are free to sing, free to travel, and free to celebrate. All without fear.

We are blessed to have the mightiest Armed Forces in the world who have purposed in their hearts to protect those precious freedoms that many of us instinctively enjoy. Every day they are willing to place their lives above our own so that we can be secure and enjoy the freedoms given to us. They rescue us daily from those who desire to put us in harm’s way.

This Christmas season, we have a different type of freedom that we, too, can celebrate. Matthew 1:28 expresses, “ are to name Him Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.” Two thousand years ago, the birth of God in the flesh set in motion a chain of events that changed humanity. His birth led to His ministry and His ministry, to His death. He relinquished His will, His life, His absolute freedom to not only take sin upon himself, but to actually become sin for us (2 Cor 5:21). And in His death...and ultimately in His life, we are absolutely free. Free from our past. Free from expectations of today. Free from what this world holds for us tomorrow. Oscar Wilde once said, “Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.” We, as sinners, have a future. A future of freedom.

As we celebrate this holiday season, may we cherish the freedom that we have in this wonderful country as well as the true freedom that Jesus bestowed upon us upon his resurrection. May we never take either of them for granted.

Father, God, as we worship You this Christmas season, may we learn to appreciate the true and absolute freedom that you have given to us. May we rest in You in our times of “slavery” so we can live in that wonderful gift. Bless this time of renewed faith and peace and bless our brave Armed Forces who sacrifice their time and lives so we can live in a country of freedom. We praise and honor You. In the beautiful name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Two Roads

I've always been a big fan of the poem The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost. I guess the more I experience life, I find it really is all about the choices we make. As believers, we have an intimate relationship with the sovereign God of eternity. This same God has the amazing characteristic of being omniscient--all knowing. He sees through all time and space, which enables Him to have the only true perspective on life and choices.

During the past few years, I have been faced with numerous life changing events: the death of my father, moving back closer to my hometown, looking into buying a house, etc.--not to mention all of the "littler" decisions to be made. There is a point at which it can become very overwhelming. Makes me want to throw up my hands and say, "Whatever!" That's when I'm faced with the real choice.

As believers in Jesus Christ, we are faced with the choice that supercedes all other decisions. This one, although simple, is much harder to flesh out. Every day, with every decision, we have a choice to worry about it, or allow God to be God and let Him handle it (which, by the way, is what we like to call worship). When we worry, we remove Jesus as our focus with whatever we may be worrying about at the time; and realistically, we still can't do anything about it. But when we worship, He remains as our focus, and we can lift the situation up to the ONLY One who CAN do something about it.

Jeremiah 6:16 says, "This is what the Lord says: 'Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.' "

If we trust and worship...we can rest. We can rest in another promise from Jeremiah:

" 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek man and find me when you seek me with all your heart.' " (29:11)

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
-Robert Frost

Sunday, October 03, 2004

A Father's Presence

A year ago today, my father passed away. I remember when he was still alive there were days when I would think about him and then there were days when I wouldn't...sadly to say. However, since his death, there has not been a day he has not crossed my mind. Granted, during his life, he made some serious mistakes, but he was always my father. I guess the reason I think of him more often is that the opportunity is gone. Before, I could always call him "tomorrow." The difference is his presence is no longer here. Thankfully, we have a heavenly Father and a Savior who has left with us their Presence--The Holy Spirit. The opportunity to talk with Jesus is no longer an option for us on this earth. However, His Presence is there to be with us throughout all things.

"And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever." John 14:16

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

The Navigator

My wife and I visited some old friends a few weekends ago. It was refreshing. We were able to reminisce on days gone by and catch up on our lives today. We watched some movies, played cards, and relaxed in each other's company. One night we decided to go out to dinner, and we decided to follow behind them in our vehicle. There was no discussion involving me "taking the lead" on the drive to the restaurant, nor did we feel we should both take different routes to the same location. I guess it was assumed that I had no idea where we were going and that our friends would lead the way. I didn't think much about that evening, until this past weekend.

My wife and I found ourselves in that same city. Only this time, there was no "friend." I had no idea where I was going. I was trying to figure out which lane should I be in? Am I turning onto a one way street? Thankfully, my wife was able to share, ever so subtly, "Honey, you need to stop. It's a redlight." I thought to myself, "Man, I wish we had someone in front of us who knew where they were going." The moment was stressful and intense. If only I could have gone back to a few weeks ago, when I had a personal guide through the town, this day would be so much better. That's when epiphany struck.

I do this day after day after day. I go through life, looking every which way, trying to figure out which way is north. When do I need to turn? Have I gone to far? Should I double back and find a new route? I hope for a guide to take me through the gridlock. The funny thing is...I have one. Jesus says in the gospel of John, "I am the Way...No one comes to the Father except through me." (14:6) He is the WAY!! He is our GUIDE!!

The problem is with all the traffic around, it's all too easy to lose him in the chaos. It doesn't mean he's not there. Many times, I try to find a better "route," and I look down different streets. When I look ahead again, I can't see him and I have to slam on the brakes because I almost ran another redlight. I get panicked. As I slowly go through the intersection, looking intensely for my guide, I see a vehicle slowly merge into traffic ahead of me and I realize that it is Him--patiently waiting for me focus my attention back to him. At the next intersection, he rolls down the window and sticks his head out and says, "Hey, Adam, trust me. I know where we're going and I know how to get there. Enjoy the ride."

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Cheeto Cheese Puff

"though the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of the Lord stands forever." 1 Peter 1:24-25

I guess everyone has eaten a cheeto sometime in their lifetime. They're the type of chip that you could eat just one, but what's the point. I mean, once you eat that first one, you already have that powdery cheese "stuff" on your fingers, so you might as well have a few more. Before you know it, half the bags gone. You reluctantly close the other half of the bag and commence the "de-cheez-a-fying" of your fingers, which, for most of us, involves licking, sucking, and scraping that "goo" off with your teeth (gross?. . .yes. . .enjoyable?. . . . .even more so). . . . . . . . . . . hours later. . . . . .you're still working at it. Even days may go by and still IT remains...that strange yellow "cheeto fungus" that accumulates around the nail of your fingers. No matter how hard you try...IT remains. The Word of the Lord is just like this wonderful morsel of cheese. . . . .sort of. You can read His word and it will be enjoyable at the time, but it goes much further than that. It continues to work in your heart, your mind, your very being, long after you put it back on the shelf. IT lingers. IT stays. IT remains. IT stands....forever. With you, for hours, day, even years. If you let it. If you allow this "Bible fungus" to grow in your hearts, it WILL change your life. Guaranteed.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

A True Expression

As I was flipping the channels the other day, I ran across a televised worship service. I heard the worship leader say "Let these songs be our worship to You today, Lord." I began to think. My favorite scripture (Romans 12:1) commands us to offer our lives as our spiritual act of worship. It struck me that so often in my life, even though Romans is my favorite verse, I place so much emphasis on the things of my life being given to God in worship, instead of my actual life being given to Him. When I sing a song, in the back of my mind, I'm thinking, "I hope He enjoys this song." When I should be focused on, "I hope He enjoys my life." and then let the song be an overflow from my life. Even though many churches call their music section of the service the "worship" segment, it can be so far from true "worship." When we realize we are not in control of our time here on earth and offer each moment to Him who is in control, then we are able to truly "offer [our] lives" as our "spirtual act of worship." Then, and only then, are the songs we sing, the prayers we pray, the smiles we give, an act of worship. But remember, they are only expressions of worship. They, in and of themselves, are nothing. May our songs be a true expression of the true joy we have in our Lord and Savior as we offer our lives in true worship.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Never Needed. Always Wanted!

Well, I'm in the middle of reading a book and a certain statement struck me. "Because God requires nothing outside Himself, we can know that He freely chose whether to create [or not] and what to create." (Life Answers. Hemphill. pg68) What a wonderful thought. The Sovereign God of the universe, who needs nothing to be made complete, still wanted us. He had the option to not create (and remain complete) or create us knowing, all too well, what was in store. What an amazing display of love!!

I know many times in my life, the things I do are skewed and tainted by underlying motives for what I think I need. Can you imagine how nice would it be to be able to love someone and know that it is a pure love--free from all selfish wants or needs? Moreover, how nice would it be to be loved in that same way? well....WE ARE!!! What security!!

To know His love for us will never change according to mood swings, attitudes, or ulterior motives. This statement really made me think. Someone who doesn't need anything from me and still wants me enough to offer His own Son to be with us, is someone who REALLY wants me alot. I hope and pray my relationship with Him--your relationship with Him--will be just the same....out of love...not just out of need. I pray our worldly relationships will exude those same traits. What a world this could be!

Monday, May 17, 2004

Birthday Wishes

Well, today is my birthday. I turned 27 today. I know I'm not that old in the whole grand scheme of things, but I do feel like it has passed by in an instant. It seems like just a few years ago that I was in high school and then college and now here I Colorado and back...married working in Nashville. I guess it's true, "What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." James 4:14 Looking back there are so many things that I've done that has molded me into who I am and then there are things that I've done that I wish I hadn't done (watching too much TV for one). But you know, realistically speaking, I'm probably going to go home and watch TV tonight. What makes a person do what he does? Priorities? Environment? Habits? All three, I guess. Tim McGraw has a song called My Next 30 Years where at age 30 he's making some changes in life. Are you at a point in your life where you need to make some changes? Am I? More time with the family or friends? More time to take care of your self? What about more time with the Father? What will make us change? Why not let God move in you (and me) and allow Him to make these changes within us. May we live today for today and take advantage of every moment. "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matt 6:34

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Settling In

My wife and I are finally getting settled into our new jobs and our new "routine" here in Nashville. The move from Colorado and the West seemed like a longer move that it actually was. After four months on "vacation," I finally got a job about the same time Danielle got her new job (of which she is enjoying). That same week, we also bought a new car (or at least new to us) and receive a new addition to the family (no...not a child...another cat.). God has been so faithful in His sovereignty to meet our needs when we need them. It hasn't been easy waiting for Him to meet those needs; however, it has been great seeing Him fulfill His promises and reemphasizing His love for Danielle and me. "And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus." Phil 4:19

Monday, May 10, 2004

New Journal!!

Well, I am setting up a journal for me to post my thoughts on. Hopefully, as time goes on, this will be a place of reflection for me and a time of growth for those who may read these posts.