Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Never Needed. Always Wanted!

Well, I'm in the middle of reading a book and a certain statement struck me. "Because God requires nothing outside Himself, we can know that He freely chose whether to create [or not] and what to create." (Life Answers. Hemphill. pg68) What a wonderful thought. The Sovereign God of the universe, who needs nothing to be made complete, still wanted us. He had the option to not create (and remain complete) or create us knowing, all too well, what was in store. What an amazing display of love!!

I know many times in my life, the things I do are skewed and tainted by underlying motives for what I think I need. Can you imagine how nice would it be to be able to love someone and know that it is a pure love--free from all selfish wants or needs? Moreover, how nice would it be to be loved in that same way? well....WE ARE!!! What security!!

To know His love for us will never change according to mood swings, attitudes, or ulterior motives. This statement really made me think. Someone who doesn't need anything from me and still wants me enough to offer His own Son to be with us, is someone who REALLY wants me alot. I hope and pray my relationship with Him--your relationship with Him--will be just the same....out of love...not just out of need. I pray our worldly relationships will exude those same traits. What a world this could be!

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