For those of you who are not as "reality savvy" as some of us, Big Brother is a show where 16 or so contestants live in a house all summer long, and one person gets voted off each week until only one is left. This season has been deemed "A Summer of Secrets." Throughout the summer, the show will present the guests numerous secrets, along with the normal drama that occurs when 16 people live together . . . . . (ahh, takes me back to my college days). One of the major "secrets" they have already revealed three episodes into the season, is that each player is "secretly" playing the game with another friend in the house. Everyone has a partner, but nobody knows. They think they are the only ones with the advantage.
Anyway, on with my thought... One of the "pairs" in the house is secretly dating. They have decided to, of course, keep their relationship a secret and play the game as individuals. When they can, they shoot hidden signals across the room or whisper a quick "I love you." when no one else is in the room. However, for the most part, they are just ignoring each other, for sake of the game. They walk past each other with no more than a passing glance, or one of them may leave the room if the other one enters. The couple shared a little bit last night with the viewing audience (my wife and I included) concerning the struggle it has been keeping their relationship a secret. The expressed how unnatural it was. And I started thinking....that's right. I started thinking.
Am I playing Big Brother in my own life? Not necessarily with a just a friend or even with my wife, but with an even more important relationship--my relationship with my Savior, Jesus Christ. How often do I go through my day and coldly pass Him by. Do I communicate my affection only in moments of convenience? Am I causing the decay of our relationship, just for the sake of this “game” called LIFE? What am I doing? What are we doing as a Christian culture? Here we are stuck in a “house” with billions of housemates, and we are scared to let on who our “Teammate” is because it may hurt our “game.” We may be “evicted” by society. Luckily, our God is above this. He permeates the “house.” He goes from housemate to housemate, “Want to know my ‘secret?’” As we overlook Him, He patiently waits and longs for some form of acknowledgement from us.
I wonder if after Big Brother is over, will the “secret” couple think it was worth it? Will the time of avoidance and neglect be worth it? What will the relationship be like after the game is over? How deep will scars go?
I wonder what it will be like after our “game” is over. Hmmm?
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