Of course, we trusted that God would bless us with what was best for our family, but we REALLY hoped for a girl. It was so amazing to watch our little girl move around inside the womb during the sonagram. She's only five or six inches long, but it seemed like a world of growth from the little pea we saw the last time we were there. Wow...they grow up so fast.
God's goodness and sovereignty never ceases to amaze me. How He shapes and forms little fingers and little toes and sets into motion a little heart no bigger than the tip of a Sharpie marker. I stand in awe of His wonderous ways.
More to come.....much...much...more.
Adam and Danielle, congratulations! A little legacy! =) Hope you are both well - sleep lots, eat out, and take a vacation now before she arrives! - Sandy (Stone) Ruff
There's nothing better than spoiling your little girl rotten. Well, maybe spoiling, two...
Congratulations and enjoy every moment of it!
There is nothing better that the relationship between a father and his Daughter. Just think, since it is a girl you will always be the favorite :D
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