Well, this has been a great week in my music life...and none of it really centered around me...(wow, I can't believe the musician in me actually said that!). Anyway, Sunday we are having our Baby Dedication ceremony at church and so I wrote a song for the occasion. I was at home working on it and Danielle came in with Emma and started helping me with it. I then got to play the piano with my daughter for the first time. (Man, I hope she grows up to love music.) Danielle took some photos of us, but the best one I had to pull from one of the videos she shot (which is why the picture quality's so bad.) I thought the lighting was great and the look of wonderment on her face was breath-taking...at least for Daddy it was. Hopefully, this will be the first of many Daddy/Daughter Duets.
And then this morning, I experienced what could possibly be the apex of my song-writing career. Honestly, I'm not sure what else could top having a children's choir (small at it might be) praise our Lord, Jesus Christ through a song that He inspired in me. I didn't want to make the kids nervous so I shot in secret from the back of the room. Plus you have to picture me behind the camera...I don't think I stopped grinning from ear to ear the ENTIRE time.
Thank you so much to Mrs. Jackson's choir at Wichita Christian School for letting me come and listen to you practice and worship God with you.
How cool is this?! Your song to a heavenly choir. God is cooler than I ever can think of. Unbelievable. Your (His) song sounds better than ever!
What a great picture of you and Emma!
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