It all started when I took the trash out when I got home from work today. After putting the bag in the dumpster, I looked around and decided to pull some of the thousands of weeds from my yard (this is another story altogether....for another time). I pulled them for a few minutes and worked my way down the fence...when I noticed a clicking noise. Not thinking anything of it...I continued on. Pretty soon, I heard the clicking noise again. As I looked up and gave my eyes time to focus on what was before me, I realized that the mound of fuzz sitting behind a leafless bush was not a pile of leaves and trash, but was a ......
are you ready for this....

an owl. That's OWL!!!! About two feet from my face. And I'm not talking about a four or five inch little tree owl. I'm talking it was an over a foot tall BIRD OF PREY!!! That looked like it wanted to reach out and touch someone....ME in particular!!! So naturally, I kept my cool and assessed the situation, before doing the right thing.....wait....nevermind....the truth is I ran. That's right, I ran like a little girl away from a bullying 6th grader. And I'm not ashamed. Don't you judge me.

Anyway, come to find out, we have had a baby great horned owl sitting in our yard/alleyway since this morning. Looking back to this morning, it started with a bunch of loud bluejay's yakking on our fence at the crack of dawn...I guess they weren't too happy to have the bird that was 15 times their size in their neighborhood. Not knowing what the bluejays were upset about, our day continued.
We have since, contacted wildlife rescue services, and they have picked the owl up to take care of it until it can later be released back into the wild. The funny thing no longer than two minutes after the owl had been removed, the bluejays were back in force. There were at least seven male bluejays, three blackbirds, one male cardinal, and a little 'ole wren chirping it up on our fence and the powerlines behind our house.
Well, anyway that was our excitement for the evening. Danielle and I actually miss it. It was like a little pet...for twenty minutes. We named her Alley....cause we found her in the alley. Creative...huh? Alley. :)